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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Ok, so yesterday after showing friends my ginormous bee sting, they decided it was obvious that I need medical attention.. I reluctantly agreed and, after I'd gone and gotten my morning sweet tea, made an appointment. My appointment was in the afternoon so I vegged in front of the tv and got caught up on 'The Vampire Diaries'. I really like that show even if it is a tad was enough to take my mind off of my leg, so there! Anyway, I get to the Dr's office and the nurse who takes me into the room takes one look at my leg and asked the stupidest question ever!!! and I am quoting her " Wow! Are you allergic to bees??" I replied with, " Ummm, looks that way.." She then checks my vitals and says," He (the P.A.- not the Dr.) will be in, in a minute." I nod and she goes away..I wait for 10-15 minutes and then P.A. comes in and wants to see my sting.. He takes a look and asked me the stupidest question ever, again!! "So, are you allergic to bees??" and once again I replied with," Ummm, looks that way.." Then he says, " Well, you are having a very bad allergic reaction." He asks if I'd ever been stung before and I said yes, but without a reaction like this.. and he then says, " Hmmmm.." I then tell him about my headache and the chills I'd had off and on all day.., he has no reaction to this new information.. (Now I'm getting a tad miffed at him for his lack of interest in my sting.) He proceeds to tell me what my options are in treating my sting.. #1. He can give me Prednisone tablets to take or #2. I can have a Cortisone shot #3. He can prescribe some Cortisone cream for the itching.. I am not afraid of the needle, so I opt for the shot ( he says it miiiight work a little bit quicker than the oral medicine.) and he give me a prescription for the cream.. Wonderful news!! The shot really hurt and the nurse said it was because of how thick the medicine is, I'm a big girl and don't cry but I think I did say an ugly word..Now my arm AND my leg both hurt!! When I finally get my cream home and I read the direstions, it can only be used 2x a day!!! What good does that do??? I read the warnings on the cream lable and it says: if you notice any redness, itching, or swelling, to discontinue use... hmmm, how am I supposed to know if I'm having redness, itching or swelling from the cream when I'm ALREADY experiencing these symptoms from the sting???? UGH!!! So, I tried the cream one time and I couldn't tell if I was having an allergic reaction to the cream or not.. so I discontinued use and used what I know. I took Benadryl, and slathered on my First Aid Cream and Fluid Reduction gel and took an Advil and waited to see what would happen next... The itching finally subsided enough for me to sleep, but I woke up every hour to make a pit stop and spray First Aid Spray on my sting..First Aid Spray is not near as sticky as the cream and therefore I didn't stick to the sheets.. Needless to say, when "Superman's" ( my husband, he's got a tatoo of Superman's 'S' on his arm) alarm went off I was not ready to get up, but I was curious to really look at my leg..So as I lumbered down the hall to my bathroom, I noticed it wasn't hurting to walk..(this is a good sign). I propped my leg up on the vanity and took a was not as red, or swollen and tight as it was last night!! BUT, now it's turning a purplish, pinkish, blueish bruise!! I'm thinking that's a good thing..Still itching, but not painful today.. Yea! ME! After talking with my Superman and my un-biological sister, I've decided it may be time to find a different Dr...

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